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Birth Balance Blog

A series of topics related to preconception, pregnancy, labor, birth, bonding, and post partum issues. Feel free to make suggestions for future topics.

Archive for April, 2011


Tuesday, April 12th, 2011


by Judith Elaine Halek and Sondra Wynne Fields

(Copyright 2010 Virtual Syncon Development Team & the Foundation for Conscious Evolution)


One-heartedness occurs when every single life form lives in harmony and balance with every other life form. It’s our true nature…encoded in our DNA. – John Kimmey (Last Carrier of the Hopi Prophesy, founder of The Sustainable Native Agriculture Center in New Mexico and author of Light On The Return Path.)


The archetypal Wise Old Woman can be seen as the ultimate Heart Keeper as she is the mid-wife of both birth and death. She issues the beating heart of each Being into the world and when the time of the beating heart has ceased, she assists each Being on its evolving journey.

Prior to ten years ago, there was a group of Balinese men called ‘tukang kandung’ which translates as a ‘womb worker’. They assisted hundreds of babies using massage techniques and traditional herbs. These men received information about the traditions of this work from their fathers on their deathbeds. So generation after generation, only the male lineage would receive this sacred and privileged information.

These men could be seen as co-creating with the wise old woman as heart keeper by tapping into this most ancient of feminine archetypes.

Delving into the mystery and intrigue of the heart, take the word earth, put the ‘h’ at the beginning of earth and the new word is heart. Earth and heart are one.

The first peoples of Turtle Island, also known as the United States, honor the beating heart at all ceremonies. For them the beating of the drum represents the heartbeat of mother earth; the heartbeat of the people. For many indigenous people at the center of mother earth and her drum resides the hearth, (earth and heart combined) the center of nourishment brought forth by grandfather fire.

The Virtual SynCon must have a hearth that warms the heart and sustains it’s bright burning fire.

Labor Support Doulas assist women and their partners during labor and birth as Heart Keepers. They ‘hold the space’ for semblance and symmetry. This is done when someone on the birth team, (doctors, midwives, nurses, anesthesiologists, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, friends) becomes out of resonance with the core couple (mom/partner and baby). It is up to the Doula to help bring back the energy through communication, compromise and breath. Doulas help the couple to look at their options and ultimately encourage them to make the final decisions. A Doula, Heart Keeper, requires an inordinate amount of patience, ability to release ego, keep calm and quietly redirect the mother and/or partner into their bodies, breath and connection to their baby. ‘Doula’ is a Greek word meaning, “woman slave.” In Zulu, the word, ‘Dula’ means “To Be.

Doulas and Heart Keepers are ‘Be-ers’ in the group.

Definition and Duties

The Heart Keeper, female or male, attuned to the this ancient feminine energy, welcomes each beating heart into the group heart and stands available to assist each individual as they come forth to contribute and share their gifts. In this way the heart beat of the group is sustained and nourished. Likewise, if a heart no longer is willing or able to beat with the whole, it is the Heart Keeper who helps with the transition out of the group.

The heart is the first organ to develop in the fetus. It begins beating at 3 weeks and one day from fertilization and a group of organs called the circulatory system is the first body system to reach a functioning synergistic state. There are three basic components to the circulatory system. The heart serves as the pump, blood vessels carry the blood throughout the body and the lungs and the heart supplies oxygen.

Like the heart in the physical body, the Heart Keepers become the primary force within the body of the group. They pump support toward the life energy of each of it’s members by reminding everyone to ‘breathe’ when the supply of oxygen has become depleted. Oxygen depletion is indicated through a lack of individual or group resonance. How the Heart Keeper might implement is mentioned below.

In labor and birth when a woman chooses not to cut the umbilical cord and allow the natural uninterrupted detachment from the baby to it’s cord, it’s called a ‘lotus birth.’ The lotus bud blossoms on a flower and offers it’s pure beauty. The ‘lotus mudra’ in yoga represents the awakened heart initiated by Divine Grace. The Heart Keeper is like this lotus blossom. They quietly and succinctly like the flower, respond to the energetic exchanges of sound, breath, air and quiet.

What has been referred to as the Vagus Nerve Breath is a helpful breathing technique for increasing the flow of oxygen and relaxation into the body. This is a recommended tool for Heart Keepers to use and teach other group members:

Take a deep, deep breath into your belly

Let the breath out with an enjoyable, audible sigh…ahhhhh.

You will automatically smile

Your being will begin to open and relax

Breathing in this way activates the vagus nerve, a part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which releases the “cuddle hormone” oxytocin. This breathing technique could be utilized at the beginning of the meeting lead by the Heart Keeper and/or implemented throughout the meeting when the Heart Keeper deems it necessary.

Look at the core word in both heart and earth; ear. It has been said that “the eyes are the window to the soul yet, it is through the voice that we touch the soul.”

One of the duties of a Heart Keeper is being attuned to the individual voices within the group.The Heart Keeper listens to the underlying messages found between the words and underneath the expressions as guides to understanding

When a voice(s) is out of resonance a Heart Keeper will gently and lovingly bring that voice back into resonance if she/he feels this is a disruption to the group resonance.

The heart is the core, the center, the beating pulse. The Heart Keeper could begin and/or end a meeting with a beautiful drum beat after the resonance has been established reminding us all of the importance of keeping the heart of our group in its rhythmic beat.

The Heart Keeper is one who ‘holds the resonant heart space’ for the group to express individually and collectively. To accomplish this the Heart Keeper must be attuned to the heart pulse of the group using their highly sensitized antennae.

How to Sensitize The Heart Keeper Antennae

The Quick Coherence® Technique helps you create a coherent state, offering access to your heart’s intelligence. It uses the power of your heart to balance thoughts and emotions, helping you to achieve a neutral, poised state for clear thinking. It is a powerful technique that connects you with your energetic heart zone to help you release stress, balance your emotions and feel better fast.”

The Quick Coherence Technique takes–One Minute.

1. Step 1: Heart Focus–Focus your attention on the area around your heart, the area in the center of your chest.

2. Step 2: Heart Breathing–Breathe deeply but normally and feel as if your breath is coming in and out through your heart area.

3. Step 3: Heart Feeling– As you maintain your heart focus and heart breathing activate a positive feeling. Recall a positive feeling, a time when you felt good inside and try to re-experience the feeling. One of the easiest ways to generate a positive, heart based feeling is to remember a special place you’ve been to or the love you feel for a close friend, family member or treasured pet. This is the most important step.

Suggested Methods for Reestablishing Resonance

• First, use breath techniques, your own or those presented here, to bring yourself into coherent resonance and connection with the Divine Source within.

• Through the heartbeat of the drum — in the beginning, middle or end of the meeting — tune into Divine Source, the heart center of each in the group and establish energetic connection.

• Sound the drum for 30 seconds, pause in silence for 30 seconds and take the group through Quick Coherence Technique at the beginning of the meeting. This technique could also be used throughout the meeting requested by the group facilitator or initiated by the Heart Keeper.

• The Heart Keeper communicates with the group with gentle comments or questions to help empower people to speak their truth.

• Observe and witness the group as children in their fascination, curiosity and joyful discoveries.

• Recognize coherent and incoherent feelings in your body at the beginning, during and after the group gathering.

This will help to:

• Create a safe and secure environment for all individuals to speak and be heard.

• Generate a sense of belonging and connectedness.

• Set the tone for honoring each person’s place in the group.


The Heart Keeper is here to sustain the group field of energy. The following is a story of how an indigenous culture in Mexico keeps their community in a healthy state by allowing the ebb and flow of life to unfold naturally.

The Huichol Indians of Mexico have access to a kind of genetic memory called the Iyari that connects them with all that has ever been and always will be. Traditionally, “Huichol people remembered this memory and acknowledged it daily.” The Iyari is described by some as being like a cord of light or energy that emanates from a person’s heart connecting one to this ancient memory, not unlike the core of the evolutionary spiral of which Barbara Marx Hubbard speaks. One can “know” or “remember” when the heart is open.

Huichol men still following the traditional way of life have soft feminine faces. Their “feminine side,” psychologists in this country would say, is well integrated; they find great joy in their children, are gentle, firm

Preparation (Before)

The Heart Keeper prepares him/herself by creating an intention to be keeper of heart communication. Space is made conducive to ‘attentive listening’ by closing the door, turning off disruptive rings, knocks or interruptions to create a quiet uninterrupted place.

Helpful Skills for a Heart Keeper to Cultivate

When there is peace within the heart, there is resonance. The Peace Keeper and Heart Keeper share the common goal of creating a peaceful harmony that nurtures creative growth. The following skills were inspired by the teachings of peace keeper, James O’Dea.

Preparation (Before)

The Heart Keeper prepares him/herself by creating an intention to be keeper of heart communication. Space is made conducive to ‘attentive listening’ by closing the door, turning off disruptive rings, knocks or interruptions to create a quiet uninterrupted place.

Elemental Concepts and Skills to Remember:

1. Everything is frequency–vibrating resonance. Everything is pulsing.

2. These frequencies synchronize with the universe in both qualities and quantities. It is helpful to strive to become a precise interpreter of energy.

3. With energy and consciousness patterns are created.

out and help to find resolution regarding the suggestion or conflict.

1. A non-judgmental mind allows one to see the pattern.

2. Lead from your center, your ground of being.

3. Negative energy is transformed when you speak from your core to the core of another.

4. Use Spiritual Akido. Go around the dissonance by going to the heart or soul of another. Using Spiritual Akido you act to transform the problem, to awake a solution.

5. Find common ground. Breath in new energy.

Energy does not go away: it waits to be transformed. When out of sync energy is present, a Heart Keeper can either step into it in a way that disarms the discordant aspect or step away from it, breathe and become the observer. Either approach will potentially place you in the center of the vortex where stillness and clarity abound.

Procedure (During)

At the beginning of each meeting the Heart Keeper requests everyone to set an intention to proceed with open hearts. While intentions are being initiated, a soft drumming could be sounded for 1 minute, followed by 1 minute of silence, broken by the sound of one drum beat.

SyncCon Pub

As stated in the introduction, every SynCon must have a hearth, (earth and heart) where people can come to kindle and rekindle the warmth of the group heart. That heart center is the SynCon Pub as illustrated in the story below.

In a little mountain town there was once a pub that came to be known as the “town womb.” Much like the pubs in J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic, The Lord of the Rings, this pub was a place where folks came to meet, share good food, drink and laugh together. In this little pub, in this little mountain town much heartfelt news was shared over the years. They celebrated births, graduations, promotions, mourned deaths, supported each other through crisis and generally made it possible for all to remain in this rather rough and sometime difficult climate. Rich, poor, town officials and day labors, educated and uneducated, religious/nonreligious, it didn’t matter; all were accepted for who they were.

At this time in the history of this mountain community there were those who swore that the heart of the town kept beating because of this all inclusive meeting place. Spats and disagreements somehow got worked out and the town maintained it’s integrity. Things were down home, out in the open (it’s hard to hide in a small town) and real.

In a virtual SynCon community, it is paramount as proceedings unfold to openly voice and reinforce the understanding that differences are not just allowed; they are welcomed and embraced. No one need fear being the “odd man out” or the proverbial “rotten apple” disrupting the resonant field of the group. The intention is not to seek out conflicting thoughts, but to allow, accept, appreciate and make room for valued truth and honesty that is inherent in feeling free to voice differences. Differing ideas are welcomed. Questions about orchestration or implementation of group happenings are considered a vibrant and vital element of healthy community building.

SynCon Pub Follow Through

If a situation is too complex or involved to go into depth at any particular meeting, then the SynCon, Heart Keeper Pub is the next step, the safe place for the person(s) to go to express themselves. So often groups shy away from discord because they don’t know how to handle disagreement in a productive manner. They don’t have a pub to go to or a heart keeper to listen.

The Heart Keeper Pub is a virtual forum open 24/7 where members can go to safely have their voice heard if they felt not heard, start a dialogue regarding a disagreement or make suggestions to enhance certain procedures. With permission from an individual, the Heart Keeper can share with the group in the next meeting, what came up and out and help to find resolution regarding the suggestion or conflict.

Malcom Gladwell wrote the book, “Outliers”. Outliers is noun with the definitions: 1: Something that is situated away from or classed differently from a main or related body, 2: a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample.

In the introduction to “Outliers,” Gladwell writes about a community of people, migrating from Roseto Valfortore, one hundred miles southeast of Rome in the Italian province of Foggia. In January of 1882, a group of Rosetans, ten men and one boy, migrated to New York. They relocated to ninety miles west of New York City to the town of Bangor, Pennsylvania. In 1883, fifteen Rosetanas left Italy and joined the original eleven. In 1894, twelve hundred Rosetans migrated to Pennsylvania and left their old village abandoned.

In the 1950’s, studies were conducted by physicians and sociologists on the Rosetan’s and the results were as follows: there was no suicide, no alcoholism, no drug addiction and very little crime. No one was on welfare, no peptic

If a situation is too complex or involved to go into depth at any particular meeting, then the SynCon, Heart Keeper Pub is the next step, the safe place for the person(s) to go to express themselves. So often groups shy away from discord because they don’t know how to handle disagreement in a productive manner. They don’t have a pub to go to or a heart keeper to listen.

The Heart Keeper Pub is a virtual forum open 24/7 where members can go to safely have their voice heard if they felt not heard, start a dialogue regarding a disagreement or make suggestions to enhance certain procedures. With permission from an individual, the Heart Keeper can share with the group in the next meeting, what came up and ulcers or heart attacks before 65 years. People were dying of old age. So why were these people, this community considered outliers? And what initiated or supported these kinds of statistics? Was it diet, exercise, genetics, water or location?

After much investigation it was reported the single most crucial element for the health and well being of these people was the fact they lived, related and functioned as a community. People of all walks and economic status ate together, socialized together, and helped each other

There were no divisions or separations. It did not matter if there was someone acting as a Heart Keeper. They were Heart Keeper’s to each other. This community is a key example of how Heart Keeper Resonance is infiltrated within a large group of people where the health of the individuals and the community is influenced.

We can postulate what keeps a community healthy and vital is a strong shared purpose or desire. The Huichol People were bonded together by the spiritual path they walked. The Mountain People were bonded together by their love for the mountains and the environment in which they lived. The Rosetan People shared a deep cultural bond that literally migrated them as a whole community to a new country that offered a potential their country didn’t. Barbara Marx Hubbard, with her visionary eyes of an evolving humanity is the cohesive factor in attracting and holding together like hearted people that compose the SynCon.

“Harness the energies of love, and so for the second time in the history of humanity discover fire.”- Teilhard de Chardin


• Records any notes needed for further reminders and situations of attention.

• Closes the space energetically.

• Creates a gratitude prayer.

• Is available if an individual is needing a compassionate listener after the program is concluded.

Multi Media Presentation




Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Photos and Articles Birth Balance copyright 2011

When making a decision of where to have your baby there are a score of questions to consider:

1.   Measure of Risk vs. Control.

2.  Pain Management vs. Natural Coping Tools (How do you personally view medicine: do you trust or mistrust the medical model medicine or would prefer the alternative coping tools?)

3.  Baby-Centered ASPECT:  considering what’s important to you:

a. Separation of the baby at birth.

b.  Potential Medications going into your Baby. (These could be allopathic or alternative medicines.)

4.  Where do you feel SAFE / SUPPORTED? Most important question to ask yourself.

5.   What are your greatest FEARS with birth?

6.  Why are you choosing the place to have your baby?

7.  Have you ever SEEN a birth? TV, internet, film, live?

8.   What was YOUR BIRTH like?  What about your siblings?  Grandmothers?

9.   Were you breastfed? How long?

10.  What is an image of an IDEAL BIRTH?

11.  AUTHORITY, what does that mean to you?  You may need to let someone else make decisions for you and your baby. If this is your preference,  labor doulas/assistants,  will give you information regarding personal choices and you will either assume that power or give the power away be it to a medical caregiver, doula, childbirth educator, sister, friend, or a mother.

Homebirth and Hospital environments are at one end of the spectrum and a Birth Center is a happy medium whether it is located in hospital or free standing out of hospital.


When I interviewed a mother of two, planning a Home Birth, the following were MOST important to her:

1.  EMPOWERMENT:  Feeling like she had some sort of say/power/control/connection with what was happening during her pregnancy, labor and birth.  Surrounding herself with a TEAM of women to support  HER NEEDS, not their agenda’s.

2. READING: two favorite books:

a. Nurturing Your Unborn Child, By Thomas Verny, Pam Weintraub

b. Continuum Concept, Jean Liedloff

3.  MEDICAL PERSON:  Visits with the MIDWIFE, even though the midwife was not warm and fuzzy, she was supportive to the mother’s wishes and did not ‘yes’ her at the prenatals.

a.  She had a NUTRITIONIST on staff who had the mother write down one week’s diet. The nutritionist went over it with her to make sure she was getting all the appropriate nutrients included in her diet.

This mother, who’d not eaten yogur,t was told by a friend, “EAT YOGURT…you need yogurt.”  The midwife asked her if she even liked  yogurt and the mother said NO…so the suggestion was to bone up on other protein and calcium foods  she DID eat and like. She didn’t do something because someone told her to do it.

4.  DOULA: Having another set of hands, a friend, a doula, someone who could communicate with her without even speaking…knowing exactly where to massage, or bring her something to drink or eat was invaluable!  Chemistry was very important!!.



When I interviewed a mother of three, pregnant with her fourth child, planning on a Hospital Birth, the following were MOST important to her:

1. EXERCISE: Helped labor go more smoothly, body felt more toned, strong during pregnancy and labor.  Recovery was faster, more in touch with her body, and found exercising everyday was really important.

a.  With one baby, she exercised more often than with the others. As a result of this, she feels her baby girl is much stronger in her body than her other children because of that.

2. MASSAGE: Towards the end of the pregnancy and even earlier stages she was having regular massage. (once a week.) It helps to release the pain in her body, the back, etc. and helped her to feel more comfortable, particularly in the last few months.  It was a time for bonding with her baby and her doula.  It’s important the doula bond with the baby as well.

3. DOULA: Incredible, ultimate support to have someone there with the knowledge, experience and insights as to what might happen next, or what to do when things were happening.  Doula’s know what to ask and how to make her more comfortable.

4. READING: 10 books at my bedside…can’t really remember…all.

a.  Week to Week book on Development: her favorite:

b.   Pregnancy Week-by-Week [Spiral-Bound] Jane McDougall

c.  Was reading some book on a special breathing technique from Switzerland…never really helped me…second birth pushing stage was really important what she did that time..blow instead of push hard!!.

5. OBSTETRICIAN: She chose an OB instead of a midwife.  The bad thing about it was it was a group practice instead of a private practice and it was random who she would get for the birth.  She felt they were all good doctors, but didn’t like the randomness.

6. HOSPITAL SETTING:  She had expectations of what it would be like. Checking in was annoying, but she dealt with that.  She was pleased with the nurses and staff overall and  felt most safe to have her babies there.


When I interviewed a mother with her first pregnancy, planning on a Birth Center, the following were MOST important to her:

1.  CONVENIENT FOR INSURANCE: because they decided not to have a home birth, this was the best of both worlds.

2.  CHOICE REASON: The husband was not comfortable to do the home birth, perfect balance in his mind.  RISK FREE:  to him meant being IN a birth center, close to the facilities that could help out, “just in case”.

There was no luxuriating in the Birth Center.  They wanted her out within 12 hours postpartum. She wanted to be out because the nurses were mad at her she wouldn’t get out of the tub when she was pushing so in turn, they were less gentle with her baby.

3. DOULA: was key to her birth because her doula was a ‘water specialist.’  This was the most important factor for her…more than her medical caregiver who knew nothing about water birth. Her 1st birth was on the obstetrical floor and the 1st underwater birth at that hospital. Her 2nd child, was at the same hospital in the birth center this time, underwater.

4. PREPARATION FOR BIRTHS:  Because of the desire to have a waterbirth this mother read a number of waterbirth books, articles and watched one video out at that time.  This was 1993 & 1996.  The father’s comments were, “laboring and birthing in water is more like making love.” The childbirth education was mandatory for them to be in the birth center but they did not find it particularly valuable.

5. BIRTH PLAN: The obstetrician suggested and encouraged the mother to have a BIRTH PLAN and to hang it in the birth room on the wall so the nurses and other staff people could see her wishes.  The DOULA also supported the idea.  It was more important in the preparation of doing it because it helped her be clear about what she wanted and not wanted.

6. BEFORE PG – COLONICS: With the first pregnancy, she did a lot of them  in order to get ready for the pregnancy which helped her feel more balanced and clean.  At 36 years old, she conceived her child on the first try.  With the second child almost 3 years later, she didn’t do any colonics and it took 3 months to conceive.


When I interviewed a father of three, pregnant with their fourth child, planning on a Hospital Birth, the following were MOST important to him:

1.  WHY CHOSE A HOSPITAL BIRTH: He didn’t really draw a line with their decision to go to a hospital as a major decision.  He realize he’d never been at a home birth and had nothing  to compareit to other than, several couples he know who’d completely gone the other way and had no doctors visits with the following results:

1.  delivered a stillborn at home with a midwife,

2. child almost died because the cord was tangled around its neck,

3.  delivered at 27 weeks, had a C section and the baby is still in the NICU (had she not gotten there asap, it would have been disastrous).

For him, understanding  the protocol in the hospital was essential not because he had to obey it, but because being in the hospital environment offered him options in case something went wrong. Options that might not be available quick enough when doing a home birth.  Although these kinds of complications are a small possibility in childbirth, his understanding is there is little time after a complication occurs to make decisions.

2. DOULA: -Was helpful as being well educated and conveying, not everything he hospital requires HAS to be done when the hospital wants it done.

3.  WIFE CARE: It was very important to this father to make sure his partner is able to feel calm and  she was in good hands to focus on her “delivery.”  This was achieved by the combination of having the right food, water, doctor and level of support from everyone in a relaxed manner.

4.  COMMUNICATIONS WITH Obstetrician: His prior experiences with an obstetrician in a hospital was the understanding there might be times in the process when the parents are questioned. If that happens not to take it personally. This was a tough one because the parents have to have enough self-confidence to stay centered in that situation.

5.  SUMMARY: He thinks the most important thing is to understand that being well prepared requires good education, That’s where I think a doula or birth assistant invaluable!


From MY perspective, the MOST important  key elements at any birth:


1. Stay connected to your BREATH, which is your heart coherence center.

2. Stay present by being IN your BODY as opposed to leaving or numbing your body.

3. Always keep the lines of communication and connection open with your BABY.


As a birth caregiver, I can get the word out there but ultimately, it is up to the mother and baby to integrate, assimilate and implement the information or suggestions to the best of their ability.  There are no failures, there is only experience and from that experience is the potential for learning, growth and finding  peace with whatever unfolds.

HeartKeepersâ„¢: Birth Caregivers for the 21st Century

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

HeartKeepers™:  Birth Caregivers for the 21st Century

If the 20th Century has been considered the ‘Century of Brain Studies,’

I believe the 21st Century will be the ‘Century of Heart Studies.’

Over the last 27 years I have been reading about heart focused healing, studying the heart coherence sciences through Institute of HeartMath:, reading numerous books, articles, websites, watching films and participating in teleconferences on the topic.

I realized after my first introductory course with the HeartMath, l birth caregivers are, ‘HeartKeepersâ„¢’.  We hold the space for every member of the team to express themselves as well as advocate for the parents and baby.

As a result of this, on March 27, 2011, presented a 3 hour teleconference sharing the latest heart field research, clarify the difference between Quantum and Neutonian physics and explain how the energy fields around our bodies affect the dynamics of  people  around as well as a global affect.

If you are interested in learning more you may purchase the mp3 time sensitive, hyperlink and PDF’s to this teleconference by clicking here:

For your benefit, I’ve added the objectives, pdf’s and course outline below.


•  You will be able to define what a meme is, give examples of birth meme’s and develop your own meme as it applies to your personal and professional life.

•  You will be able to define the difference and understand the significance of the difference between Newtonian Physics and Quantum Physics.

•  You will be able to understand from an individual and global perspective what a Field of Energy is, as well as give examples of each.

•  You will be able to list and explain 5 recognizable responses of physiological coherence.

•  You will be able to recall 3 revolutionary discoveries about the heart and it’s intrinsic nervous system.

•  You will be able to list 5 scientific discoveries about the heart sciences.

•  You will be introduced to and experience as well as understand how to apply 3 DreamBirth Imagery™ exercises to your personal and professional life.


-        Extensive Bibliography of books, films, websites which include heart coherence studies and conscious fertility/pregnancy and birth.

-        3 DreamBirth Imagery™ Exercises:

  • 1. Blue Vase – energizing and detoxification exercise for you and your clients.
  • 2. Solar Plexus – build self confidence, enhances personal power and bringing in clients and work.
  • 3. Duality – taking two opposing perceptions and dissolving the illusion of separation into oneness

(The PDF’s will be MAILED to you AFTER the teleconference.)


1. Introductions

2. Logistics:

•  Recommended supplies: paper (for notes), colored pens/pencils, 2 Q-TIP’S

•  FOOD/DRINK:  We will be together for 3 hours and you need to hydrate and                       nourish yourself for an optimal heart and brain connection.

3. Memes

•  Definition

•  Birth Memes

•  Your own Meme

•  Q&A

4. The Field of Energy

•  Definition and origin of the “UNIVERSAL FIELD”

•  Difference between Newtonian and Quantum Physics

• Dr. Bruce Lipton  • Lynn McTaggart  • Gregg Braden • Dr. Emoto  •  Abraham Hicks

•  Heart Math Institute Studies (Intro)

• Q&A

5.   Heart Sciences (vs. Brain Science)

•  History

•  Research and Science behind Heart Studies

•  Coherency vs. incoherent

•  Discuss Bibliography –refer to books, authors, films

•  Continuation of Studies:  Heart Math Institute™

•  Q&A

6. Dream Birth Imageryâ„¢

•  Background

• Exercises + Discussion:

-Blue Vase

-Solar Plexus


•  Q&A


A  Tomato has four chambers and is red. The  heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes  are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart  and blood food.

Welcoming New Life Through The Heart

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Article and Photography – Birth Balance Copyright 2011

There is no, more honorable work than assisting a newborn onto the planet.  Since 1987 I’ve had the fortune of sharing my talents and skills as a professional Labor Assistant (doula) with parents as they birth their babies. We are ‘Heart Keepers’ as we ‘hold the space’ for semblance and symmetry. When someone in the birth team, (doctors, midwives, nurses, anesthesiologists, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, friends) become out of resonance with the core couple (mom/partner and baby), it’s up to the doula to help bring back the energy through communication, compromise and breath. I help the couple to look at their options and encourage them, to make the final decisions. As a Heart Keeper doula, I am required to be patient, release my ego, calmly and quietly redirect the mother and/or partner into their bodies, breath and connection to their baby. ‘Doula’ is a Greek word meaning, “woman assistant.” In Zulu, the word, ‘Dula’ means “To Be.

And now, in the Spring of 2011, I experience many individuals sharing their gifts and talents as the global heart awakens to a new potential human, like the newborn, reflecting the possibility of their greatest good.  The planet is in a chrysalis state, moving out of the old paradigm of the caterpillar to the ultimate expression of the butterfly.

As a baby begins with the union of seed from father and egg from mother, new life emerges and forms in the aquatic chrysalis within the mother’s womb.  The heart, the first organ to develop in the fetus, begins beating at 3 weeks and one day from fertilization. Here’s a cryptic play on the word EARTH:  take the H and place it in front of the E and the new word is HEART.  We are born onto a ‘heart planet’.

The latest Heart Coherence studies are discovering the heart has it’s own nervous system more powerful than the brain/spine nervous system.  Scientists have measured and proven we have an emotional response before a thought.  The emotions are indicators as to what we think, good or bad. Further studies show when a subject is looking at a series of images flashed before their eyes, there is an anticipated, precognitive feeling of the next image within seconds before it is flashed in front of them.

Is this science fiction or the ability to measure that, which has always been within us?  These are exciting times we live in.  How do you share through the heart?

Site maintained by Nina Darbouze
This site is Copyrighted © 2013 by
Background music is Copyrighted © 2013 by The Tunnel Singer

Site last updated January 1, 2013