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Birth Balance Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘Quantum Physics’

HeartKeepersâ„¢: Birth Caregivers for the 21st Century

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

HeartKeepers™:  Birth Caregivers for the 21st Century

If the 20th Century has been considered the ‘Century of Brain Studies,’

I believe the 21st Century will be the ‘Century of Heart Studies.’

Over the last 27 years I have been reading about heart focused healing, studying the heart coherence sciences through Institute of HeartMath:, reading numerous books, articles, websites, watching films and participating in teleconferences on the topic.

I realized after my first introductory course with the HeartMath, l birth caregivers are, ‘HeartKeepersâ„¢’.  We hold the space for every member of the team to express themselves as well as advocate for the parents and baby.

As a result of this, on March 27, 2011, presented a 3 hour teleconference sharing the latest heart field research, clarify the difference between Quantum and Neutonian physics and explain how the energy fields around our bodies affect the dynamics of  people  around as well as a global affect.

If you are interested in learning more you may purchase the mp3 time sensitive, hyperlink and PDF’s to this teleconference by clicking here:

For your benefit, I’ve added the objectives, pdf’s and course outline below.


•  You will be able to define what a meme is, give examples of birth meme’s and develop your own meme as it applies to your personal and professional life.

•  You will be able to define the difference and understand the significance of the difference between Newtonian Physics and Quantum Physics.

•  You will be able to understand from an individual and global perspective what a Field of Energy is, as well as give examples of each.

•  You will be able to list and explain 5 recognizable responses of physiological coherence.

•  You will be able to recall 3 revolutionary discoveries about the heart and it’s intrinsic nervous system.

•  You will be able to list 5 scientific discoveries about the heart sciences.

•  You will be introduced to and experience as well as understand how to apply 3 DreamBirth Imagery™ exercises to your personal and professional life.


-        Extensive Bibliography of books, films, websites which include heart coherence studies and conscious fertility/pregnancy and birth.

-        3 DreamBirth Imagery™ Exercises:

  • 1. Blue Vase – energizing and detoxification exercise for you and your clients.
  • 2. Solar Plexus – build self confidence, enhances personal power and bringing in clients and work.
  • 3. Duality – taking two opposing perceptions and dissolving the illusion of separation into oneness

(The PDF’s will be MAILED to you AFTER the teleconference.)


1. Introductions

2. Logistics:

•  Recommended supplies: paper (for notes), colored pens/pencils, 2 Q-TIP’S

•  FOOD/DRINK:  We will be together for 3 hours and you need to hydrate and                       nourish yourself for an optimal heart and brain connection.

3. Memes

•  Definition

•  Birth Memes

•  Your own Meme

•  Q&A

4. The Field of Energy

•  Definition and origin of the “UNIVERSAL FIELD”

•  Difference between Newtonian and Quantum Physics

• Dr. Bruce Lipton  • Lynn McTaggart  • Gregg Braden • Dr. Emoto  •  Abraham Hicks

•  Heart Math Institute Studies (Intro)

• Q&A

5.   Heart Sciences (vs. Brain Science)

•  History

•  Research and Science behind Heart Studies

•  Coherency vs. incoherent

•  Discuss Bibliography –refer to books, authors, films

•  Continuation of Studies:  Heart Math Institute™

•  Q&A

6. Dream Birth Imageryâ„¢

•  Background

• Exercises + Discussion:

-Blue Vase

-Solar Plexus


•  Q&A


A  Tomato has four chambers and is red. The  heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes  are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart  and blood food.

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Site last updated January 1, 2013