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Birth Balance Blog

A series of topics related to preconception, pregnancy, labor, birth, bonding, and post partum issues. Feel free to make suggestions for future topics.

‘Birth Dissonance’ Into ‘Birth Consonance’

Are you ready to stop pouring your life energy into defining yourself as a separate entity and allow yourself to beome undefined? Going from wasted energy put into egoic identity can be invested into a new and more interesting purpose.  A whole different perception, way of being and knowing, gettting and doing or not doing, when interacting with the Universe?

The dreamstate is a magical place and we are a part of it.  We ARE it.  We are the miracles, the mysteries and we keep looking outside ourselves, giving our power away, for something or someone else to create it all or fix it for us; TENS machines, epidurals, pitocin, doula, acupuncture, homeopathy, cesareans, prosteglandin gell, a birth tub, midwife, doctor, partner.

A psychological term to describe the discomfort we feel when our thoughts, (seeming reality) and beliefs, (feelings and emotions) come into conflict is:  Cognitive Dissonance.  I see it all the time in pregnancy or particularly in labor and birth.  The woman get’s signs from her body and the baby that it is not ready to come.  Her doctor says, “The baby needs to come now.”  She is in conflict with her belief and the thoughts instilled in her by the doctor.  The problem begins as the pressure builds and the woman allows herself out of fear to go with the doctor’s demands.  

What does she know?  This is her first child?  This doctor has ‘delivered’ thousands of babies. They are the expert, yet her belief and inner knowing is, ‘the baby is not ready to come.’  The problem excellerates as she gets induced and her body is not dilating.  Even with all the drugs, everyone is confused about the “insufficient cervix,” or the “inability to progress.” No one is taking into consideration the most important element in the center of the drama.  The mother’s belief’s conflicting with her thoughts.

I call this ‘Birth Dissonance’.  Where the internal belief collides with external reality. Where self and not-self come into contact/conflict.  We are not innocent by-standers or victims of our experience. We are the shapers of our dreamstate reality.  Until we get it, really get it, by standing up for, falling apart from, letting go of, surrendering into the opposite of where we have been all our lives, things are not going to change.  And we will continue to blame everyone and everything for our lives being the way they are. Falling apart is coming together.

Society has put billions of dollars into medications, illegal, legal drugs to separate mind from body.  Something to put you to sleep, something to make you wake up. Something to make you dialate, (pitocin)  something to numb the pain, (epidurals) and when the epidural stops the pain and the contractions, there’s more pitocin to regulate it back to par.  (Providing all systems are ‘go’ for the woman being induced.)

What people are looking for is ‘Birth Consonance,’ an end to discomfort, not the delusion. But the truth is, the consonance sought  can only be found in deeper unconsciousness which requires reduction of dissonance.  How does one get to reach that natural, integrated level of consonance?  Through serenity and tranquility or diving to the depths of the self-delusion and swimming through the muck until one gets to the surface and is able to see and know the insanity and madness they have been buying into all their life.

So, are you a person who is stuck and wants to get unstuck?  Or a person who knows you are stuck and wants to stay stuck your judgements and denial?

Ah, and there truly lies a of potential consonance or dissonance.  

Whatever your choice in or out of the labor room:  “Everybody Breathe!”

(Ideas inspired out of  Jed McKenna’s third book in a trilogy entitled, Spiritual Warfare)

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Site maintained by Nina Darbouze
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Background music is Copyrighted © 2013 by The Tunnel Singer

Site last updated January 1, 2013