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Birth Balance Blog

A series of topics related to preconception, pregnancy, labor, birth, bonding, and post partum issues. Feel free to make suggestions for future topics.

Becoming the Dreamer of the Dream

When people ask you if you remember your dreams or not, what do you say? “Oh, I never dream…or I don’t remember my dreams…I don’t believe in dreams…I use to remember my dreams and now I don’t…I dream all the time in technicolor!”  Well,  let me tell you, there is more to dreaming than dreaming. Meaning, dreams don’t just happen when you are asleep…they are happening  right now, as you are reading this.  You are in a ‘waking state dream.’  You might have daydreams in the waking state dream, and dreams when you sleep.  The crucial question is, are you ‘awake’ or ‘asleep’ in any of your dream states?   What does it mean to be awake? What does it mean to be asleep?

‘Awake’ is when you are ‘aware’ of what is going on around you moment to moment.  You live in a state of responding vs. reacting. You let go of attachments to things, comments, ideas, whether positive or negative. ‘Asleep’ is when you take things personally, believe in victimhood, attach yourself to comments, ideas, your body, things, and spend time reacting to everything.

In a world which is basically in a state of madness and fear, (asleep), staying awake can be a bit of a challenge. There is that ray of hope and change still permeating the atmosphere, globally from the Inauguration activities.  And how long will the ‘glow’ last in your life, whether you are awake, daydreaming or sleeping?

Where do you live?  How do you integrate with your environment?  Where are your thoughts?  Do you even believe it’s possible to be living, eating, breathing ‘awakeness’ in your life?  If you don’t believe, you won’t receive. That’s the way the energies work.  When you become aware of the subtleties of life and where your mind is based on what you feel, good or bad, is the key to what you draw into your life.

After 22 years of being in the birth world, I find during the labors and births, the team leaves the planet and go to the moon.  My waking state dream and few sleeping state moments, during the labor become filled with clear, strong important images.  I have learned to listen to the clear inner voice coming through as I tune in and let go of anything that might impede my resistance to the moment. And magic happens.

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Site maintained by Nina Darbouze
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Background music is Copyrighted © 2013 by The Tunnel Singer

Site last updated January 1, 2013